Saturday 15 January 2011

Preparation for Campaign

Target Audience
Because we will be working at Wymondham High we will be aiming our campaign at teenagers and our advertising will try and appeal to them to encourage them to get involved and donate to our relevant charities. This should be easy as we are teenagers ourselves, so we can think about our own interests and what would be effective to use if we were advertising to ourselves. For example, images of sadness or cruelty, or suffering children and animals will hopefully affect people and make them think about getting involved in charity work. However I think it could be quite difficult to persuade teenagers as they have a lot to do and worry about, with schoolwork and general teenage anxieties, and can sometimes be self-absorbed so I think we really need to shout for them to hear us.

Health and Safety
There are some health and safety issues we need to consider while doing this unit. When going out into Wymondham town we need to be careful about roads and traffic, going into any dodgy shops and being aware of horrible people who might be after us!
Also. if we go into a primary school to do an assembly or presentation with the children we may not be allowed to take photos, even if they are just to put on our blogs. People can get to our blogs via Google and the Internet so if parents don't want their child's picture taken we have to respect their privacy.

I don't think we need to worry about a budget that much; obviously we don't want to spend a ridiculous amount on our advertising but I don't think we need to complete our campign unit and raise donations.

1 comment:

  1. L02/3 - You structure your responses under apppropriate headings and give the reader a flavour of your intentions. You recognise target audience and the strategies you would like to use to gain their support in your campaign.
