Poster Ideas
This is one of the posters we designed, which features The Charity Monster logo attempting to shut a wardrobe bulging out because there's too much stuff in it. The idea behind this was to encourage people to clear out their cupboards before Christmas, when they're going to receive lots of new toys, clothes etc. It is more aimed at adults and staff who would probably be more interested in having a clear-out, although we also made a similar poster with The Charity Monster logo wrapped up as a present to make peole think about donating; using The Charity Monster as a mascot is good as it's very cute and would appeal to lots of different people so it was important to use him in all of posters.
L02 - What a super posterr and explanation behind. You recognise your who your target audience is and make an appropriate poster design, including the group's Charity Monster logo. You link your puiblicity material into the time of year (Christmas).