Sunday 5 December 2010

Reflection on Theatre in Education Performance

The performance on Sunday went quite well; obviously without several key people it was more difficult and in our workshop there was just 4 of us with a class of 30 Year 2's. I am slightly disappointed because it could have been much better and our assemblies could have been a lot more entertaining and interesting but it didn't make as much sense as some people had to play more than one role and at one point they blanked completely.
The workshop was trickier than I had expected.Our updated plan was with Chloe (who wasn't there) so we were basically doing it all from memory. We played some games which the children seemed to enjoy and a couple of activities on sharing but I was concerned that we weren't actually doing so much about campaigns and charity and to the Year 2's it was just a bit of fun. However, our questionnaire at the end (again this had to be improvised) appeared successful-we asked them questions about charity and charity shops, what they do and what makes charity shops different from normal shops and we got some positive feedback. They were able to name some charity shops and famous charities like the RSPCA, Children in Need and Comic Relief.
Unfortunately it was partly unsuccessful due to lack of donations. The children didn't bring in any toys so we have nothing to take back to our charity shop, but the only way we could think of raising awareness was to send out letters to the parents. Parents get so many letters from primary schools asking for money or doantions, especially towards Christmas, and sadly I think our letter was ignored.

1 comment:

  1. L04 Once again make consistent and effective use of what happens/data (questionnaires etc). You have a very definte idea of what worked and didn't and more importantly why?
