Sunday 5 December 2010

Success of campaign so far: donations, raising awareness and profile

So far, for our campaign we have looked at various campaigns and their techniques used to raise awareness, chosen a charity shop and considered how to improve donations, made posters, radio and TV ad storyboards and performed to an infant school trying to educate them about charity. Despite all our hard work our donations are virtually non-existent; our posters haven't really been noticed and I don't think we have raised enough awareness. We are trying to rectify this situation by targeting staff rather than pupils for donations and hopefully our cardboard monster will be better noticed in the staff room.
Our performance also didn't produce plentiful donations but we have succeeded perhaps in a better way-we have hopefully convinced children to donate! Little children are easily influenced and I think if we keep spreading the message we will get them to donate.
The important thing though, is to raise the profile of charity shops. Even if we don't directly receive donations ourselves, we can always take our old toys and clothes, or persuade others to take them themselves. We won't fail our unit if we don't get donations but it's good for the charity shops to get publicity and let people know they need good quality donations. So far we haven't managed to do this so much but on the 14th December we are holding a stall trying to sell donations and we may be able to inform more people about how donations of better quality are needed.

1 comment:

  1. L04 - You are constantly reflecting and adapting your ideas according to the circumstances you comke across. You give an honest account of strengths and weaknesses of the campaign. I really think you have raised the profile of donating; one little boy was heard saying, ' I won't chuck my stuff out anymore I'll give it to charity.' That's good isn't it?
